Day 10: The complex of Bahouddin Naqshband

Hello my dears π€©π€©π€© This destination is our last trip Sitora Muzaffarova, me, and Munisa Mansurova were our guides. Bahauddin Nakshband is one of the most well-known saints in Islamic world and the founder of Nakshbandiya tariqa. He was born in 1318 AD in Bukhara region, Kogon district, village Qasri Hinduvan. He is famous among people with the names Bahauddin. Bahauddinjan, Khoja Bahauddin, Bahauddin Balagardan. Balagardan, Khojai Buzruk, and Shahi Nakshband. The real name of Bahauddin Nakshbandi is Muhammad. According to some sources his grandfather and father were named Muhammad too. His origin from paternal side reaches Hazrat Ali and from his maternal side reaches Abu Bakr Siddiq. It became tradition to use "Khoja" before his name, because he is from the generation of Khojas. He is famous with the nickname "nakshbandi (chaser)", because he was engaged in impressing pattern on velvet with his father in his youth. People who were busy with impressing pattern ...