
Showing posts from May, 2023

The complex of Bahouddin Naqshband

Hello my dears 🀩🀩🀩 This destination is our last trip  Bahouddin Nakshband is one of the most well-known saints in Islamic world and the founder of Nakshbandiya tariqa. He was born in 1318 AD in Bukhara region, Kogon district, village Qasri Hinduvan. He is famous among people with the names Bahauddin. Bahauddinjan, Khoja Bahauddin, Bahauddin Balagardan. Balagardan, Khojai Buzruk, and Shahi Nakshband. The real name of Bahauddin Nakshbandi is Muhammad. According to some sources his grandfather and father were named Muhammad too. His origin from paternal side reaches Hazrat Ali and from his maternal side reaches Abu Bakr Siddiq. It became tradition to use "Khoja" before his name, because he is from the generation of Khojas. He is famous with the nickname "nakshbandi (chaser)", because he was engaged in impressing pattern on velvet with his father in his youth. People who were busy with impressing pattern on fabric and weaving patterned cloths and carpets were named ...

Hazrati Sayyid Amir Kulol

 Hello  Welcome to my daily blogs. On Thursday, 12th of May  we have hit the books πŸ“š about the most sacred place of Bukhara, Hazrati Sayyid Amir Kulol. Sayid Amir Kulal was born in 1281 in the village of Sukhor (now the village of Yangikhet) in the Kagan region, in the village of hereditary potters. According to legend, he was tall and broad in shoulders. Penetrating eyes peered out from under furrowed brows. His skin was tan. His face was framed by a gray beard. He was very humble and gentle in manner. He was far from objection and stubbornness. Thanks to wrestling in his youth, he had a large physique, and was physically developed. As for spirituality, there was no person who would doubt his righteousness, because he behaved like an enlightened one who absorbed all the best that Sharia, Tariqa and Marifat contain. He brought up his students in strict spirituality and monitored the non-admission of minor misconduct by his students, citing as an example the words of the ...

Khoja Muhammad Boboyi Samosiy

Next pilgrimage is Khoja Muhammad Boboyi Samosiy which is part of 7-Pirs pilgrimage. I will share with you a number of facts about this shrine. Khoja Muhammad Baba Samosi was born in the village of Samos near Bukhara in the middle of the 7th/13th century. He was of medium height, wheat-colored, sharp-eyed, determined, with a radiant face. He was in the service of Khoja Ali Romitani until the end of his life and looked after the trees in his teacher's garden. Like other pirs of the Khojagan family, Khoja Muhammad Baba Samosi was a gardener by profession and earned his living through his honest work. He worked by himself in his garden in the village of Samos and grew various fruits, including grapes. Khoja Muhammad Baba Samosi's father, Sayyid Abdullah, was originally from the village of Durun in Khurasan, and was a descendant of the Prophet (pbuh), Imam Musa Kozim (r.a.). In the work "Matlabut-talibin" it is noted that Samosi first studied in his village, and then came...

Our 7th destination:Khoja Ali Romitaniy

 Good day ☺️🌞 I am going to share with you a  considerable amount of information about Khoja Ali Romitaniy. The memorial complex of Khoja Ali Romitani is the burial place of the famous murshid of the Khojagan branch of the Sufi order. The Sufi was popularly called "Aziz Sheikh". He was born in the city of Romitan at the end of the 12th century. I have been weaving all my life. He succeeded in converting the Mongols to Islam. After the Mongol invasion, he helped restore the wastelands and practiced medicine. According to legend, he had the ability to read people's minds and answer questions even before they were asked. During his long and pious life he had many disciples, including sons. He bequeathed to his youngest son Khoja Ibragim to continue his teachings.

Khoja Muhammad Orif Revgariy.

 Hello everyone πŸ€— I am glad to see you in my blog. Let's start reading our today's blog... Our new destination is Khoja Muhammad Orif Revgariy shrine which is the part of 7pir pilgrimages. Revgari Khoja Arif , Mohitoban (mid-12th century, village of Revgar, Shafirkon district - 1259) is one of the great representatives and theoreticians of the Khojagon-Naqshbandiya section. He was  Bahauddin Naqshband's the spiritual teachers. He is known by the title "Qutbul avliya" (leader of the saints). He studied Sufism from Abdukholiq Gijduvani. He wrote the treatise "Arifnama" discussing the main aspects and theoretical issues of Sufism. In it, special attention is paid to the tawba status of Sufism (repentance of all past sins and determination not to commit any sin in the future). R. described repentance as "the birth of Islam". Prepared by many students. The most famous among them is Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fatavi. R. was buried in Shafirkon. A mausoleum ...

Khoja Abduxoliq Gijduvaniy

       Good morning πŸŒ„   Our hands on practice sessions is going on... Our next destination is the one of the sacred place in Bukhara region,Khoja Abduxoliq Gijduvaniy shrine. It was located in the centre of Gijduvan.It is one of the ancient buildings in Bukhara. Let's turn to its history It was built in 1433.Mirzo Ulug‘bek was the leader for this monument.It was created to the honor of Abdukholik Gijduvaniy who was the great representative of Sufism.These kind of ancient places show the historical heritage of Bukhara😍 During travel we took many photos of the monument.It was just interesting to travel with group. On the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in connection with the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the great scholar Abdukholiq Gijduvani, in 2003, the center of the city of Gijduvan and the architectural complex of Abdukholiq Gijduvani were renovated and the surrounding areas were beautified. The madrasa built by Mir...

Fourth day of practice sessions

 Hello everyone πŸ€— On Thursday afternoon, we have visited to Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnaviy shrine with our group and teacher. In the following blog, I will share with you my impressions from our hands on experience. Hoja Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy was the most famous Sufi of his time, recognized as the spiritual authority of Maverannahr. He was born in the Vabkent district of Bukhara region in the village of AnzhirFagna.Hajj Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy was the successor of the Sufi spiritual tradition. He was a disciple (murid) and a follower of the Sufi HadjiArifaar-Rivgar. He knew the craft of a carpenter and devoted his whole life to work and knowledge of Divine truth.Haji Mahmud Anjir-Fagnawiywelcomed two types of spiritual ritual in his mystic-ascetic practice. There were khufi, which is quiet (or secret) dhikr of communion with Allah and dzhakhriya, which is collective and loud one.He was the first who introduced the public dhikr in accordance with the needs of the time and the demands of...

Modarikhon Madrasah

 Our third destination is Modarikhon Madrasah. We have visited there with our group 2-XTA-21 together with our teacher, Sitora Lutfulloyevna. Let's go ☺️ I share  my impressions with you . The Modari-Khan Madrasah forms a single ensemble with the Abdullah Khan Madrasah in Bukhara. The complex is called the Kosh Madrasah, which is translated as “double madrasah”. The Modari-Khan was dedicated to the mother of the ruler, and its name can be translated as “the mother of the Khan”. It may have been a “first attempt” in complex construction, but this building is smaller than the other building in the ensemble. The Abdullah Khan Madrasah built in the honor of Abdullah Khan II whose reign was a true golden age for beautiful Bukhara was built later and became a prominent creation of the architects of that time. The madrasah was a traditional task — it was an academic institution for educating youth in the spirit of national and religious traditions. A complete education obtained in a ...

Mirzo Ulugbek madrasah

 Good morning πŸŒžπŸŒ„ Today, 2nd of May we are going to visit Mirza Ulugbek madrasah Which was built in 1417, in Bukhara. Ulugbek madrasah in Bukhara, UzbekistanUlugbek Madrasah was found in 1417, as the inscription on the bronze plate of door runs says. There is a name of master in the portal tympanum, which was building this monument – Ismail ibn Takhir ibn Makhmud Ispfargoni. It is possible he was a grandson of one of the masters, who had been captured by Timur in Iran and left their names on the portal of Gur-Amir complex in Samarkand. Bukhara Madrasah is the first Madrasah, built by Ulugbek. It is comparatively small, but has great forms. This is a building with two-ayvan square yard, surrounded by two-storey hudjrs, with darskhana cupola halls and mosque on the cross of entrance hall. We have a great day ☺️ We have learned a number of useful information about our history.

Abdulazizkhan Madrasah

 Hello everyone πŸ€— Our new practice sessions begin again. Our new destination is the time honoured monument Abdulazizkhan Madrasah.Our teacher is Sitora Lutfulloyevna. She has guided us.We have visited Abdulazizkhan Madrasah which is located northern side of Bukhara. It is one of the most popular historical places in the city.   Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah is a part of architectural ensemble of Ulugbek Madrasah, however, it is much bigger and more beautiful. The portal of madrasah is decorated with rich patterns, in the decoration of which was used yellow paint. There were also used different technologies during the construction of the building: carved tile and mosaic, relief majolica, carved marble, gilding.  There are pictures of Chinese dragon and bird of happiness Semurg on the walls, here you can also read poems of famous poets. Madrasah has two mosques - winter and summer, the walls and ceiling decoration is extremely luxury. In 1988 there was built museum exhibition, w...